Michal Rebukes David; Regular Worship Is Established (2 Samuel 6:20 – 23; 2 Samuel 8:15 – 18; 1 Chronicles 16:37 – 43; 1 Chronicles 18:14 – 17)

Scripture Text:

(click to open in a new window)

2 Samuel 6:20 – 23

2 Samuel 8:15 – 18

1 Chronicles 16:37 – 43

1 Chronicles 18:14 – 17


1. What familiar names appear after the benediction to this psalm (1 Chronicles 16:7 – 36)? What roles are they given and why? Why does David wait until the end of the celebration and delegation to resume his role as father and husband?

2. What is going on with Michal (one of David’s wives)?

  • she had no appreciation for the spiritual significance of the event
  • she felt this was no way for a king to carry on
  • she should have been a participant instead of a spectator
  • she was a jealous wife
  • her modesty was violated

3. Why is Michal’s bitterness, barrenness and relation to Saul significant here? What does David’s reply to her tell of his character?


The Ark Is Brought To Jerusalem – Part 2 of 2 (2 Samuel 6:12 – 19; 1 Chronicles 15:25 – 16:6)

Scripture Text:

(click to open in a new window)

2 Samuel 6:12 – 19

1 Chronicles 15:25 – 16:6


1. Recall when a “party-pooper” (parents? spouse? friend? little brother?) once killed the festive spirit of your celebration. How did you feel at the time?

2. What would it take to get you “dancing in the streets”?

  • a wedding
  • a lower crime rate
  • peace in the Middle East
  • a World Series or Super Bowl win for the home team
  • school let out early for the year
  • a healthy baby born

3. In what sense does God “help” the Levites carry the ark this time around (verse 26), whereas before (see 1 Chronicles 13) He had opposed them?

4. How is David (by his costume) redefining the role of the king?

5. What would a worship service led by David be like in your church? What sights and sounds would surprise you? How would he be received? What would he have to wear? Why?

6. How does your attire Sunday morning relate to your duties and approach to worship? What attire is forbidden where you worship? What else are you saying by the way you do and don’t dress?

7. Which of the following would characterize your personal worship life. . .

  • reverential awe
  • childlike joy
  • special clothing
  • conversational prayer
  • David serendipity-like dancing

8. In reference to Question #7, how do you decide what form of worship is appropriate for what occasions?


The Ark Is Brought To Jerusalem – Part 1 of 2 (2 Samuel 6:1 – 11; 1 Chronicles 13)

Scripture Text:

(click to open in a new window)

2 Samuel 6:1 – 11

1 Chronicles 13


1. How had God prescribed that the ark be moved (see Exodus 25:14)? And by whom (see 1 Chronicles 15:11 – 15; Numbers 4:15)?

2. How is Uzzah’s act “irreverent” (verses 6 and 7; see also 1 Samuel 6:19)? What does such burning anger reveal about God’s holiness? About Jesus, our High Priest?

3. Upon being given this deadly ark, how do you think Obed-Edom felt? Where else (in your opinion) could David have placed it?

4. What objects of worship or means of grace do you “uphold” as sacred? How, then, do you “uphold” them? When, have you slipped (like Uzzah) and acted irreverently in this regard? How does Christ the Mediator intercede for you when you fall?

Additional Comment:

People who read of Uzzah’s death often wonder why he died for trying to keep God’s ark from tipping over. The reason given in 1 Chronicles is a little clearer than 2 Samuel. David explained that the Lord had been angry at them for moving the ark in a way disobedient to God’s law.

Numbers 4 and Exodus 37 specify that the Levites were to carry it with poles. Uzzah and his brother (non-Levites) were carrying it on an oxcart – the same manner the Philistines had used (1 Samuel 6). Uzzah’s death resulted from prolonged (though possibly well-intentioned) disobedience to God’s direction. God had told them how to honor the ark (a sign of His presence). Their sloppiness revealed a lack of concern for God’s honor.
